As promised
- more sewing pin cuteness -

Aren't they cute?! I know ... you are not supposed to say nice things about things that you made yourself ... not really good manners ... but I am so happy about them. I love how they turned out! So CUTE and tiny and sweet and gorgeous. I might have a thing for tiny things!
You already saw the ones that I love the most: the tiny tea set!
But here are a few more ...
This one is my second favourite ... I love the house ... and the car ...
Oh, and these are quite yummy. I LOVE strawberries. They are my favourite fruit!
Out of these three I love the bee the most. I made it similar to the bees that I made for the Winnie Pooh cake for my daughter's 4th birthday. I figured a bee needs a flower. :-) But after I made one I decided - never again. All those petals ... too much work!
Those are some forest friends. I especially love the hedgehog.
This set reminds me of Valentine. But I had to make a letter. And after that was done ... well, it needed something to go with it.
Of course I also had to make muffins. The one on the right was the first one I made. I was not too happy with it. (Somehow the brown polymer clay was REALLY sticky and I only found out until I had baked them how to fix that.) The one on the left was my second try - better I think. And the one in front turned out best. I love that one!
I also LOVE love love the penguin. And you know why I made a penguin? Because my hubby said I could not make one! HA! There you go!
Do you think I went a bit too far with the sewing pins? Well, ... I am not yet sure what I will do with all of them ... but once I had started I just might have gotten carried away a teeny weeny bit ...
Well, the last picture are no pins. I made these for my daughter. She was a really cute and supportive fan while I was working on the pins. Everytime she came home from kindergarten she would stop by and look at all the pins and would instantly spot whether I had made new ones or not. And she would always comment very nicely (which usually she does not necessarily do). So I thought I make her something for her dollhouse.
I love the one with the strawberry on top best. I really REALLY had to pull myself together to not make some more of those for pins ...
Okay, back to serious crafting now!
(Er, is there such a thing as serious crafting?)
Updated: If you are wondering how small those pins really are - check out How tiny is "tiny"? And thanks Care for the idea to use a ruler. Had simply not thought of that before.
Updated: If you are wondering how small those pins really are - check out How tiny is "tiny"? And thanks Care for the idea to use a ruler. Had simply not thought of that before.
FABULOUS!! My son would DIE over the bee... He's obsessed with them!
I'd love to see a picture of all of them with a ruler or coin so we can see exactly how teeny they are!
LOVE the ones you made for your daughter's dollhouse -- perfection!
OMG! Those pin toppers are super duper adorable! Do you make up the designs yourself?
Thanks Care for the sweet comment. Pictures with a ruler are up! :-)
Well, er ... I would not really call it designs ... What I basically did was "Well, what could I make in smallish that would look good on a sewing pin?" I had seen some pins with mushrooms and cupcakes before. So I started with the toadstools. When they turned out to be easier than I thought I did cupcakes. And then I thought a bee would be nice - and I had made them before with fondant so I figured I could do it ... bee needs a flower ... and a friend ... how about a butterfly ... well, maybe too hard cause of the wings ... what about a ladybug? ... wonder whether I could make a tea set (cause I love tea) ... while fiddling around with the clay ... wonder what I could make out of a rectangle ... a house! ... well, what would go well with a house? ... car and tree ... what else could I make? ... what else do I like? ... strawberries! ... the toadstools made me think of a hedgehog ... and that one seemed lonely so I aded a snail ... I have seen some bird like the one I made before (in white) ... i love letters, and penguins, and parcels ... :-)
But it all happened over the course of DAYS.
these are awesome, you should sell some so i can buy them! :)
Well, my husband probably would really like me MAKING money with my crafting instead of SPENDING money with my crafting! ;-)
But since you are already making something for me I would feel incredibly horrible if I would even consider selling you something. How about we swap? Which pins do you like?
Miss Muffin! Those are ADORABLE! Argh! All of them! So cute! I'm supposed to be cooking lunch now, but here I am checking out my favorite blogs instead. I especially love those mushrooms (in the next post)!
They are so cute! I love the toadstools- they would have been perfect at our fox shower last week:)
your pins are AMAZING!!! I love the mushrooms and the cupcakes, OMG the cucakes! AND THE HEDGEHOG! (yes I'm yelling... I'm that excited! I think I have a thing for little things as well) ;) Fantastic work!! You could ABSOLUTELY sell those and if you don't have an Etsy shop yet, open one STAT! (I haven't had a chance to look at your blog further than this post yet so you may have one and if so I am totally favoriting it)! So glad you shared on the Blue Cricket blog where I found you! :)
The house and car are my favorite!
I have NEVER seen pins so darling as yours!!!!
I'm loving these - the house is beyond cute (as well as all the rest). Glad you linked these to Craftastic Monday!
Are you kidding me girl! I LOVE them all! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!
Those bees ARE perfect for my bee hive pincushion! I've never worked with polymer clay before but I'm eager to try. I'll have to think of another pincushion that's appropriate because that hedgehog is just too cute to pass up!
Those are all super-duper cute.
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