can you guess where I have been? Little hint - the important bit to answer the question is on the very left side in the background ...
It's the television tower in Berlin. Yes, I have spend the last weekend and a couple more days together with my daughter in Berlin. We were visiting my sister and had quite some fun. We went to the aquarium which was really nice. Even though it was rather crowded since the weather wasn't good that day so quite a few other people had the same idea. :-) But my daughter was really impressed by all the different fish, jelly fish, crabs ....
Since my daughter had wished for a long time to ride a bus again - yeah, kids sometimes have very strange wishes - one afternoon we just rode the bus and looked at the different buildings of Berlin. That's also when I took the picture above. It was really strange weather that afternoon as you can probably tell from the dramatic look of the photo. What you can't tell - it was freaking cold!!! Just thinking of it makes me shiver!
So, well that's the main reason why I haven't been posting anything lately. Also I haven't been feeling too well the last couple days and therefore haven't done anything to post about. Just resting. Hope that this will be better soon and I can share some new stuff soon.
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, I love the photo it kind of looks dark and mysterious. Glad you and your daughter had a good time, and isn't it great that something like a bus ride is the height of excitement for her! Hope you feel better too!
What a gorgeous photo! Hope you feel better soon! It is hard to be a mum and be sick, isn't it? Take care of yourself, OK?
Beautiful photo!!
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