Yesterday I finally got the chance to go shopping for cookie cutters. For my last birthday (already a while ago) I got a gift certificate for a baking store. I LOVED the gift and the store. When I went there the first time I was so overwhelmed that I didn't buy anything at all but just looked at everything and took a catalogue home. :-) At home I sat down with a nice cup of tea and enjoyed some really nice time with myself and the catalogue! How easy it can be to enjoy oneself! :-)
So yesterday I finally went there again to actually buy something. Because of the gift voucher I could spend quite some money without feeling guilty. It was so great!!!
In the picture you can see the cutters I got. I especially LOVE the tea pots in different sizes. Yes, I know I am a bit weird. ;-)
Today me and my daughter tried the cutters with play dough. I had the dough sitting in the fridge already for a few weeks. We had already started to make some christmas ornaments with it. But we didn't use up all the dough.
(That's a good thing - it keeps for a few weeks in the fridge. So if your kid get's tired of it you can just put it away and get it out any other time.)
I really love making play dough with my daughter. It is so much fun, easy to make ... and sometimes you even end up with something cute! :-)
When checking the internet I realized that there are quite a few different recipes for play dough. The one I use is called "salt dough" in German and it is not cooked. So you can easily mix it together in just a matter of minutes.
After you form the dough or cut out cookies you can bake (or rather drie) it in the oven. It takes quite a while!!! because you shouldn't put the temperatur too high. (If you do, it will make your things kinda burst open.) The drying process makes it hard and you can either hang it somewhere or play with it or whatever ....
You can also put spices or food colouring in the dough to colour it or make it fragrant. I often put cinnamon in - it makes the dough look a bit darker.
The oranments we made today (and a while ago) are in the oven right. Am really curious how they will turn out!!!
Meanwhile, here are a few pictures of "food" I made for my daughter's play shop a while ago:
I love the food that you made!! What a cool idea!
Thanks. It's really easy to make, too. And if you have older children they can help making it or even do it themselves.
(Well, and it is WAY cheaper than bying play food!)
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