
Monday, September 27, 2010

PROJECT 44: More Cute Crocheted Teacozies

Photo from Megan Mills

Go get the  


Photo from Megan Mills

 Or get the  

  if you prefer something less rosy ...

I think they are both supercute!

Oh, and there are knitted cozy patterns on her site, too, ... so look around a bit ...


Enoyed this? Please spread the word!


  1. These are too cute! Rosy all the way..

  2. I love the rosey was one of the first things that I crocheted and I still love it.
    Great pattern!!

  3. I love that teacup cozy. I found your blog through the Fall into Fall Giveaway and have been roaming through it. I love it and am going to become a follower.


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