
Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall into Fall Quilters Bloggers Giveaway

Have you heard of it? No? 
Then you HAVE to go HERE and check it out!

I actually came across it on Sweet P Quilting and Creations.

Basically there are MANY MANY bloggers and I think businesses, too, that are going to have a giveaway on October the 1st. And it is all quilting/ fabric related. How does that sound?

I know I know ... I said there is not going to be a giveaway for my birthday ... I actually had told myself (and hubby) that I would not do another giveaway until Christmas or until I have 100 followers ...
But how can I pass this one up? It is just too good!!!! 
And I am almost at 100 followers ... so, maybe I even will make it until the 1st that way I do not have to find excuses why I joined in ... ;-)

So, YES, come back at the 1st of October to my blog to find a 
And of course will have to go to this site to check out all the other giveaways going on. And if you want to, you can still join and hold your own giveaway, too!

How much fun!


  1. Awww, I'll be out of town that weekend at the Oklahoma Cake Show, maybe I'll be able to wrestle my husband's laptop from him to join up!

  2. well, that is fun!
    thanks for the link and thaks for your genorosity!
    And you almost reached the 100, congratulations!!!


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