
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Legwarmers finally finished

Yeah, finally done! Here is the PAIR of legwarmers that I started a WHILE ago. And I got them done before spring! :-)
And after lots of persuading and a bit of bribing I even got the leg warmers modelled for a photo. Since we still are all recovering from different illnesses the photos had to be taken inside however. But still better than none.

I think they are really cute and I love the result. I like the kinda slouchy look (is that actually english?) and I like the curly edge ... and the pompoms ... I just love them. Hope my daughter will like them as much as me and actually WEAR them when spring comes!


  1. They are just darling, I love all the details!

  2. Thanks Katie. I really love them, too. Would love some for myself - but considering the time it took me to make these ... larger one that would fit me would take FOREVER! :-/

  3. Oh come on Miss Muffin, what in your bag can't be that bad! I promise to still read your blog even after I see inside:)

  4. Oh, it's not what's INSIDE my bag. It is THE BAG itself. You will see ... :-) At least I will have one reader left! ;-)

  5. That's a lovely warmer... your a good handicrafter, young lad, eh?


  6. Love these! They're so colorful and fun:)


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