
Monday, February 21, 2011

PURE fabric love

I guess you all know that 
 I love fabric. 

Well, most of us do, right?
But a few weeks ago this fabric love peaked into something ... NEW to me. :-)

While browsing through the word wide web I stumbled on a sale on

I went to check it out - even though I did not intend to order anything.
I mean it would  be kinda crazy to order fabric from the US when you live in Germany. 
After all ... I would have to pay high postage and costums ... 
And I spend too much money on fabric already especially since I have so much fabric that I have not used yet. 
But when I saw the fabric - and the prices - I could not resist! 
I started calculating like a maniac and arguing with hubby and myself.
Actually hubby said I should just order! So I was kinda arguing with myself most of the time ... :-)
It took me a whole evening to actually decide to just do it!

Oh, and I can only highly recommend All above fabric if you want to buy fabric online. 
AWESOME costumer service!!!
As I was really unsure what I was getting myself into I contacted Melanie via facebook and asked about the postage ... and how much I could buy for it. She got right back at me with really helpful answers.

Wanna know what I got?

I ordered this beautiful printed dark brown botton knit that you can see on top of the bundle. 
Love it. 
Yet, have no idea so far what to do with it. 
Maybe some cute dress type of thing or top for my daughter ...

And you can already see what else I ordered:

It is some of the PURE fabric by Sweetwater. 
You have to check out their blog by the way ... It is called 

and wonderful!

To be completely honest I never really understood how people could be so much into fabric from certain designers. 
When someone on a blog asked for your favourite designer I simply drew a blank. 
I did not have one! 
I know if I like fabric when I see it. And I guess I have a certain "type" of fabric that I like ... 
But a designer? Nope. 
Until I saw the fabric line called  

It was love at first sight! 

I am not kidding! 
I had no idea a person could love fabric that much! 
So when I saw that fabric at All above fabric - and when I saw that it was ON SALE! 
I kinda felt like the stars aligned to TELL me that I HAVE to order it! 

It was meant to be!

When the package arrived a bit later - I was so so so so happy. 
Even though I ended up having to pay customs fees I still had saved about 50% compared to if I would have bought the same fabric here in Germany. 
(Which I would have never done. WAY too expensive!)

AND I just love it! It is so pretty!!!!!

I hope you are not getting sick of the pictures by now. I know they all look the same ... I could look at them for hours! :-)
But now the question is - what to do with it???

I can not seem to be able to come up with a sewing project that would seem worth the fabric. 
Does that sound odd?
I do have a project in mind which is not sewing related at all. 
Which would only use a some small bits of each fabric. 
And when finished I could enjoy this ... project ... :-) all the time ...
Still, I would have to CUT it up. *ouch*
How can I do that????

I think I seriously need help ...


  1. No suggestions on what you could do with it but just wanted to say your fabric is beautiful, I really like that first one the brown with the flowers but all the others are just so pretty too.

  2. I love Pure too so I hoped on over and ... you've bought it all!! I actually discovered 6 Pure fat quarters I'd bought before I'd even heard of Moda and squirreled away. They're going to be a bag as you carry a bag around everywhere so get to look at it all the time.

  3. I love that Pure by Sweetwater fabric and I want some!!! There are a few stockists in the UK but Im not sure if it would work out cheaper for me to get them from the US too. I might have to go and find out!! Thanks for the links. x

  4. Lovely fabric! I know that feeling of fabric you love but aren't sure what to make with it. Hopefully you figure something out!

  5. hee hee! I know what it's like to have fabric that is love at first sight! So painful to cut it; but I know you will make something fantastic with it! :o)

  6. That IS pretty! I'll have to check out the site. Shipping charges usually deter me, but sometimes it's hard to say no.

  7. I can see why you are enthralled with this fabric! Such beautiful colors. It all looks great together:)


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