
Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Book "Advent Calender"

No, I am not done with all the Christmas presents yet. ;-)

Not even close actually. :-(
These are not the presents - even though little bear thought they were and got REALLY excited when she saw all the packages. 
These are all our Christmas books wrapped up for a book countdown until Christmas.
This is a sweet tradition I have been wanting to do already during the last years - but never did! This year FINALLY I managed to get all the books together and wrap them up. I mainly used old gift wrap that I saved last year (it really does not matter if it is a little crushed or torn), old gift bags, newspaper and old catalogue pages. Then I just put all the "packages" into a big box and each day the kids are allowed to take one that will be read. I sneaked one new one in this year, too - so I hope that will cause some excitement. :-) As I love books I totally LOVE the whole idea of using them to count down to Christmas!!!

Well, apparently I am not the only one who loves it ...
Yesterday little man got REALLY interested in the packages and almost managed to open a few ... had to save them ... :-)


  1. My daughter is doing this with my granddaughter also - but she started with a specific book - "The Elf On The Shelf". I think it's a great idea and wonder why I haven't seen it before!!

  2. This is a brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it when my kids were little. I like the idea of using what you already have and not "gifting" the kids everyday. I really like the idea of slipping in a new one! Kudos to you : )

  3. Oh, great idea! And a good excuse to continue growing my Christmas book collection - so when I have children I can do this too. (Yes, I buy children's books although I don't have children. I do work at a daycare though).

  4. We are doing this for our 4th year. I pick up Christmas books at garage sales all year long, so I always have a few new ones for a surprise!


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