
Friday, September 24, 2010

Bees crossing the atlantic ....

Remember that bee sewing pin  that I made?

Someone really liked it ... ;-)
And that someone also had a little boy (two boys?) who likes bees. 
I figured that a sewing pin is not really an appropriate gift for a little boy ... 
so I tried to come up with something else "bee-ish". 

And that is the result:


First thing that came to mind was actually bee beads ... but I thought that might be a bit too girly ...

I think they turned out pretty cute!

What do you think?

And that is how they went off across the atlantic ... bye bye bees!


I am linking to the link-up parties on the right side of my blog ... 
and ... 

Get your craft on on Todays Creative Blog


  1. hee hee!!! :o) I recognize those little fellows!!

    I let the boys each have one bee to play with, and they have been having grand adventures all over the house. They got out our little matchbox cars to search through, and each found a convertible that the bees could get easily in and out of and drive around in. I am certain there will be many, many more bee adventures around here!

    You must make some to sell! Seriously!! :o)

    THANK YOU again for the fun little gift!

    (By the way -- the pin is sticking in my bulletin board above my sewing table, so I can look at him daily. I still can't get over how TINY he is!!)

  2. Love the buttons, they are sooooo cute!
    Boa viagem!!!

  3. Adorable! They would be so cute on overalls or a little sweater. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  4. I am so glad you had something to link up! These are darling and will make an outfit super special! Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!


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