Just a quick post ... If you are like me and always kinda click on the same buttons of your blog without really reading you might not have noticed yet - blogger has a new template designer! And if you are thinking of changing things of your blog design you have GOT TO TRY IT!!!
I was unhappy about my blog design for a while now. I had picked the template when I started because I like the red-ish colors. But after a while I had gotten really sick of the pink background color. I also really wanted to have a three column blog. I tried a few times to change the layout. But as soon as I changed something about the layout - like the columns - it would mess up something else. And I really did not want to start everything from scratch. I also could not figure out how to just change the background color without changing anything else ...
So when I saw the new template designer I did not have high hopes but figured I may just as well give it a try. (If you are going to try it, too, you should ALWAYS save a backup of your current design. Just in case something goes wrong you can easily go back to your old design.) And I am very very impressed. Of course I could not wait until little man was asleep so I was kinda clicking away with him jumping on me and trying to eat the computer at the same time. Even though - I still managed to create a new desing just with a couple of clicks and I am SO happy with it. I even managed to adjust my banner! Yeah. I still have to resize some pictures ... and I might go over the color options again ... but other than that I LOVE it! It makes me happy everytime I see it! :-) And it really was quite easy. And the neat thing is - you can adjust pretty much anything so you can really make it just the way you want it. There are still only very few fonts to choose from. But I was not too concerned about the font. I just wanted to change the design of the columns and finally have another background color that would still match my banner ... So I am rather pleased - and I have to admit proud, too - that I worked that out! So, if you want to try something new for your blog - go check it out! (You find it when you click the "Design"-button.)
Yummy cute cupcakes! Well done!
ReplyDeleteWell, the cupcakes actually are not new. I had them on my blog before, too - but I guess now they look even better! :-) They are also not from the Blogger Template Designer ... they are offered as a free blog background on some website. But I do really like them! :-)