
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Word games

It has become a routine to me to go for a walk every day just before dinner time with both my little man and little bear. Little man is in his buggy but little bear has to walk. (In the photo above that is obviously not me walking with her. But I thought the picture is so cute ... ) We usually choose the same route every time and as just walking is not the most exciting thing to a 4 year old I am often thinking of games or other stuff we could do on our walks to keep her entertained and just make it more interesting. We had already tried things like "I spy". She loves I spy. But it's kinda hard playing I spy when you yourself are moving as you might be moving away from the object that you are spying ... :-) And it becomes especially hard if one person who is playing has not yet realized that it is better to choose objects that are further away and are not going to be passed soon ... So, we tried a couple word games. Like which words start with ... a certain letter ... Finding a new word that starts with the letter that another word ended with ... stuff like that. Even though this was really hard for my daughter she did seem to enjoy it. But it did not come easy. At some point I got the feeling that my daughter had memorized one word for each letter of the alphabet ... instead of actually being able to hear which letter is in front. We usually could play those games just for a bit until she requested a break. And it usually also was not too relaxing for me.

So I was looking for other things and I came across the idea - I think it is a rather old one - to make up a story. You know ... one person starts and says a sentence and then the other person says a sentence ... and so on. I actually had this kinda game in mind already for a while but had not tried it cause I thought that it would be too hard and therefore too frustrating. But one day I was desperate for something to keep her busy ;-) so I tried it anyway ... and boy, was I in for a surprise! I started off by making up the beginnig of a story and saying a sentence. Then I said "Your turn" and she started chatting away! She would almost not stop! She did not just say one sentence - NO. She kept talking and talking and talking ... when she got stuck she would say "Your turn." I would add one tiny sentence and then she would start again and chat and chat and chat ... It was UNBELIEVABLE! And the best thing - she totally enjoyed it!


  1. I love it. I was just wondering what it looked like where you live. It is fun to get a little glimpse.

  2. Well, it is actually not where we live right now. I took that photo when we went to my parents' place for my granddad's 90th birthdayparty at the weekend. So this is where I grew up. But it does look similar here. I love the woods! I guess cause it's where I grew up ... a walk through the woods always calms me and makes me feel more in peace with the world. And very thankful to be alive! :-)
    And the dog - also not ours. :-) And the boy on the left also not ours. :-) But my daughter had so much fun playing with him - we don't see each other that often - and loved walking the dog. We also have a dog, but she is bigger and stronger so my daughter can not walk her. You could really SEE her being proud walking that dog all by herself! :-)


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