
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Not much blogging lately

For some reason I am working at what feels like a million projects at the moment ... and sometimes I even get so confused that I sit there and don't know what to do next. I like having multiple things to do. I really do. Sometimes I am more in the mood for sewing, sometimes crocheting ... Also some of the things are more easily done at different times, like I can take my crochet stuff to the playground ... I can cut out some pattern pieces in the living room ... I like to do different things. But at the moment there are so many things I want and need to do that it kind of paralizes me. Have you ever had that feeling? I kind of sit there and know there are SO many things I could do ... and can't decide and end up doing nothing! Horrible! It really makes me feel totally "not myself" and I can get really cranky ... So I really need to try to sort out what I am going to do next ... and in which order ... But every time I start thinking about that I kinda end up totally lost ...

There are so many things on my list! High-priority of course Easter presents. I am almost done with them. And I will be very happy when I have them finished because it is REALLY hard to work on something when one small person that is four is not allowed to see them. I can only work on them during the morning when she is in kindergarten. And lately she often was not in kindergarten at all because either she was sick, or there was some sickness going around in kindergarten that I did not want her or little man to catch, or little man was sick and I was not able to pick her up ... And even when she was in kindergarten I always had to hide everything that I was working on REALLY well! So it will be nice to be able to actually work on something all day and not worry who will see it. :-)

One of the really big things I have planned is to make a quilt. More precisely an I spy quilt. I want to make it for my daughter and hope to get it finished to give it to her at her fifth birthday. Her birthday is in July. Now that might sound like a long time ... but I have NEVER ever made a quilt nor do I know a thing about quilting. So I will have to start completely from scratch!
In order to not screw up my I spy fabric I will attempt to make a smaller quilt first to practise. I would like to make a small one for little man with differently textured fabrics cause he just loves to touch and feel things. (I hope he is still in that phase when I am done with the quilt ... or should I say IF I get done with the quilt ...?)

I thought those are going to be the things that I really need to concentrate on after Easter ... but well ... When doing a bit of sewing for Easter presents I realized that my sewing machine skills - which have never been very good - have gotten even worse. Guess that is normal if you don't sew for a while ... but in order to improve them I would like to do some more tiny projects that do involve the sewing machine but not much thinking (hopefully!). So I am planning to make a couple of neckerchiefs for my daughter and for little man. And a few tiny hats as well.

But then I realized yesterday that my daughter pretty much is OUT OF clothes that fit her. She has about one good pair of pants left! AHHH! We usually got hand-me-downs ... (I honestly don't know how a person can afford to actually pay for all children's clothes!) but since both of my kids are rather tall ... well, she kinda outgrew the child that she usually got her clothes from! :-( I also was not too lucky when I went to a huge second-hand market for children clothes (which is only twice a year). So I thought I will finally have to put that pants pattern that I bought more than a year ago to work and sew some pants. (I am already sweating just thinking about the idea.)

I also found so many crochet things I want to try ...
-make an airplane
-make baby booties
-make balls

Oh, and then there are all the no-sewing, no-crocheting projects I wanted to do ...
-cut some silhouettes
-make some baby-art (not art OF my baby but art FOR my baby)
-make another mobile
-make some baby toys
-paint my daughter's doll house (which she got for christmas and it is still not painted!)
-make accessories for the doll house
-knitt the other handwarmer ... only one is finished ...
-make a play rug
-make board games with and for little bear
-make an ABC poster (I am guessing that little bear will know her ABC before I ever get to this one)

You know this list is not even close to half of the stuff that is on my mind right now. The more I think about it the more things pop up! AAAHHH!
I am not even going to get started on all the recipes I want to try!

You know, when I started out blogging and saw all those great ideas in the blogworld I was so amazed and thought "How do people come up with this?". Now I kinda know. Often I just lie awake at night, minding my own business (actually trying to go back to sleep), and ideas just start popping up in my head ... it's CRAZY! I actually started writing them down at some point because there is no way to keep up with them. And if I don't write them down they get lost again. And unfortunately they do not pop up in any neat order or anything ... so I usually get no idea for Easter presents when I am actually trying to come up with some but instead birthday party ideas are popping up like crazy. Something like that. Driving me mad!

I remember reading somewhere that creativity is nothing you have or don't have - it just takes practise. And I guess that must be the case! The more you do the more creative you get. So the more I do the more ideas I get. Which is of course great and so much fun! But sometimes I also just feel totally overwhelmed and don't know where to start ...

or continue ...


  1. Oh -- does your daughter like wearing skirts? If so, make a whole bunch of them! MUCH easier than pants! :o)

  2. You can do it!

    Your brain sounds like mine -- FULL of great ideas, then gets overwhelmed and can't do a thing! I've been in some sort of sewing paralysis for a week or so... Think I am starting to get it sorted out, though!

    Good luck!

  3. Thanks Care, for the support! :-)
    And yes, my daughter does like skirts. But it is simply way too cold around here at the moment to wear them outside. At most days. She still has enough thinner pants for inside. But she is basically out of thick pants for playing outside on the playground and in kindergarten. It would be alright since I actually really wanted to learn to make those pants at some point anyway ... but right now I would have rather liked to get started on the quilt ... oh well ...

  4. Your blog makes me hungry. I would love to make some of your crafts for you. I will have to get back to you though because first I need to figure out if I even have the materials to make them happen! thanks for checking me out!

  5. @TheSpanishLady

    Am so curious!!! :-)


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