
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Looking back - New Year's Resolutions 2009

Okay, before I start writing down my resolutions for 2010 I thought it might be good to take a brief look back at last year's resolutions ... and ... well, I think I did not do too badly, but also ... I should have looked at that post a bit earlier! ;-)

My resolutions were:

"Organize and backup my computer REGULARLY (and not just once a year!)."

I actually had COMPLETELY forgotten about this one ... and therefore of course I did not do too good on that one. :-(

"Learn how to sell stuff on ebay - and sell all those things I don't use anymore and that just take up space in our apartment."

I also have to admit I did not sell anything on ebay this year as I really really wanted to. But with the pregnancy and the baby this simply was not one of my priorities anymore. (Though I actually did have this one in my mind all year round.) I did buy a big book (on ebay ;-) ) about selling stuff on ebay and even read half of it already - so that's a good start. One of my resolutions for next year of course will be to actually sell stuff.

"Try finishing projects before starting new ones. Try not to have more than five projects going at one time."

Well, my husband probably would tell you that I did not fulfill this. I think I did not do too bad on this one. Maybe there were not always exactly five or less ... but at least it was better than before! :-)

"Get a better overview over our bank and money matters (that is my least favourite)."

I left this pretty much until last minute ... only started working on this one over the last few months. But still - am proud that I started at all. Need to keep going on this one in the next year.

"After picking up my daughter from kindergarten spend at least one hour playing with her without switching on the computer. (Have to admit am really bad about this.)"

Also did not too bad on this one. I try to establish the habit to work on my computer in the morning and evening when my daughter is in kindergarten or asleep. Will try to somehow manage to stay on my computer only for a certain amount of time ... am not sure how I am going to do this. Internet and blogging really has a very addictive potential ... :-)

So ... now I can think of my new resolutions ...

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to each one of your 09 resolutions... I too have multiple creative projects in the works and you are so right about blogging being a very addicting time consuming thing!
    All the best to you in 2010!


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