
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why I am not writing ...

First of all, I am really sorry, for not writing in such a long time. I haven't been feeling well lately and most days I did not even switch on my computer. If I did switch it on I just did it to clean out my email-inbox so it would not overflow ... which it did regularly anyway ...
The reason why I am not well is that I am pregnant. I am very excited about it! And my husband and my daughter are really excited, too. However, at the moment morning sickness is rather a "all-day-long sickness". Also I don't have any energy - not for writing and also not for doing anything interesting to write about. I barely have enough energy to go to work, take care of my daughter, just do the things that really NEED to be done. I have been a bit better the last two days ... so I am kinda hoping that it will get progressively better ...
I am in the 10th week now. People keep telling me that it will get better after the first trimester. Well, with my daughter I was feeling miserable MUCH longer! But I hope I am more lucky this time. :-)
So, even though you probably won't be hearing alot from me in the next weeks I hope once I get my energy back and feel better I can post more interesting stuff.


  1. Oh WOW, I am so happy for you CONGRATS!!! The first trimester was the worst for me by far, I was tired all the time. I'd be in bed around eight every night. Take care of yourself, don't worry about getting on the computer. That's the least of your worries for now!

  2. Congratulations!!! I know exactly how you feel with the "all day sickness." I'm at 19 weeks, and I'm finally feeling better (for the past 2 or 3 weeks), but I still have sick moments daily. Just remember the sickness won't last forever even though it feels like it will :)

  3. Congrats! I've been a long time reader of your blog, just didn't comment much.. but this news is so awesome that i had to say smth. Oh and i am sorry to hear about the "all day sickness"..sounds uncomfortable..yeaycks! wish you all the best!!!

  4. Sorry to hear you're feeling so sick, but what a fun reason! Congratulations! Hope the sick feelings pass soon!!!

  5. Thanks you guys for the nice comments! Still hoping that the sickness will be gone soon ... I'm hanging in there! :-)
    Not that I have much of a choice... ;-)


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