
Monday, February 2, 2009

I won again!

How lovely! When I got home from work today I had a nice email from Jennifer, telling me that I had won a free photographic print! I am so excited! I was allowed to choose one from her etsy store . It was really hard ... but I chose a black and white one of a Gerbera. I love Gerberas! To me they look like big daisies. :-) And I really love this photo by Jennifer:

It looks so beautiful ... and I think it is so timeless ... It kinda goes with everything. Can't wait to find a place for it in my apartment. :-)
What a lovely surprise - especially on a Monday. Did I mention that I usually hate Mondays ... ?


  1. thanks for entering the giveaway:) well, I guess I should have said, yes you are more than welcome to enter the giveaway!
    good luck and have a great week!
    p.s. you have a very nice blog


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