
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bath fun

Today when I saw this post on WEELIFE I instantly thought I HAVE to try this. And since we (meaning I) had planned on a big bath for today I thought that would be perfect.
My daughter actually loves baths. But everytime I announce that she will have a bath she cries out loud "I don't wanna have a bath!". Once I get her in the tub with lots of persuasion she has all the fun you could imagine. When I announce half an hour later we should finish up now she cries out loud "I don't wanna get out of the tub!".
I figure I just gotta live with it. But everything that will be making the "persuasion-bit" on my side easier is welcome. And the tub paints seemed like one of these things.

They mix up really quickly and easily. We only made three colours to try whether it works. I let my daughter help with the mixing and she got so excited that she could not get undressed quickly enough. ;-)

And she really enjoyed colouring the whole tub! It did of course not help too much with getting her OUT of the tub lateron ... but oh well ... :-)


  1. How fun, we have bath crayons that she loves, but I bet these would be even more fun! Plus we could make them ourselves and not have to keep buying them!

  2. I have never tried bath crayons. The ones I saw in the job were really expensive - like pretty much all bath stuff. She got bath colours that make the water red, green, yellow ... as presents and I am very greedy with those since they also cost a lot. So this was really nice since it's rather cheap.
    I also let her paint the tub and herself with fingerpaints before. However, the fingerpaint was much harder to clean off (tub and kid!) afterwards.
    And what I REALLY love about the self-made version: I KNOW what's inside the colours. So I feel better about it when she puts it in her bath water or on herself. :-)

  3. This is exactly what we need right now. Our DD has been a great bather, and lately has been freaking out. I think we'll try this this weekend! Thanks!

  4. Hi, I'm an italian Mum (living in Italy :-) ) of a 3 year's old with the passion of travelling and crafting and I've just discovered your blog and already love it.
    It was funny to read this post 'cause It's exactly the same thing for me. Sometimes Aj doesn't wanna make the bath but when he's in the tube it's the same problem to make him get out. Kids all are the same, all over the world, and we also love them for this :-)

  5. I'm so glad you guys are having fun with this. I hope it distracts DD enough to reduce freak outs. Our little guy went through a pretty long phase of being afraid of the drain. But he could never resist art and science bathtime projects.

    Depending on how old your little one is, another fun project is mixing baking soda and vinegar and watch the frothy magic. I posted about it here ...

    Good luck. And thanks Miss Muffin for dropping by. I really love your work!
    : )

  6. This was an awesome project!! Thank you!


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