
Saturday, January 31, 2009


When I read this post Weekend getaway at the blog Gardenymph I instantly remembered how I loved to build my own "house" with blankets and covers and cusions under tables. It was great having a little hide-away and I had some great times with my sisters and my cousins playing. Weird how I forgot about this until I read this post ...
Of course I had to try it and make a little hide-away for my daughter. Unfortunately our kitchen table is rather small ... so there was only room for her under there. Well, still enough to taker her baby doll boy and some food (apple slices) and books with her. :-)

Today we made another hide-away over her bed. - Has the advantage that it doesn't interfere with all our meal times! :-) - She has something like a bed tent (I bought it at IKEA) which is however open to all sides - except for the top. Sorry, hard to describe ... We put old blankets and sheets over it ... and she just loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks so much for the kind comment that you left on my blog. :~)
    I love the hideaway that you made for your daughter; and how lucky is she to get not just one, but two magical places?! Looks great! :~)


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